7 Things no one told You About Marriage

Photo Courtesy: theswedish
When you took that all important decision to get married you were nervous and apprehensive. You were scared too but you thought it through and prepared yourself for the new challenge coming your away. You spoke to friends, family, elders and thought you knew it all, but there are certain things no one tells you about marriage.
1. You marry the family, not just the girl
You might love the girl you got married to but remember that you are making an entire new family a part of your life. You might easily accept your in-laws but be ready to invite and gel with the extended family of your wife.
2. Dates become even more important
Are remembering dates a problem for you? Well sharpen your memory skills because no one will tell you that the number of dates to remember after marriage only increases. Birthdays, anniversaries, family birthdays, appointments… the list is endless.
3. You have to contribute to household work
No one really mentions it but it is expected that you will contribute in doing the dishes, laundry and grocery shopping.
4. You may spend the night on the couch
It may be your house but be prepared to spend the night on the couch once in a while. If you’ve had an argument or shown off your jealous streak, say goodbye to your bed.