7 Things You Should Not Do Exactly Before Your Wedding

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The wedding day is one of the most important days in anyone’s life. People try their best to make this day perfect, however, sometimes mistakes are committed without realization. To be the star of your wedding and do everything right, keep these easy tips in mind.
1. Acting on pre-wedding jitters
Most married people will tell you how common pre-wedding jitters are. It’s normal to get nervous and have second thoughts about the whole thing, after all it’s your big day. However you should remain calm and let the feeling subside. Keep your friends and family close to you and think about positive things.
2. Seeing your bride
Many people consider the meeting of the bride and groom on the wedding day as inauspicious. It would be good to play along with this and you would also get a pleasant surprise at the altar when you see how beautiful your bride looks.
3. Criticizing her or her bridesmaids appearance
Even if you do manage to see the bride and her friends as bridesmaids on D day, do not under any circumstances criticize or try to change their appearance. Girls are overly sensitive on wedding days and take a whole lot of effort to look the way they do. You don’t want crying females, accusations and time wastage on your head, do you?