7 Tips for Better Communication With Your Wife

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To be able to have healthy communication is essential for any good relationship. However, sometimes it becomes very difficult to put our point across or to understand what exactly the other person is saying. We give you some of the ways in which you can improve the quality of communication between you and your wife.
1. Don’t argue when she is angry
No matter how valid your opinions are, there is no point in sharing them when your wife is already angry about something. If you continue arguing with her at that point, then it will do nothing to salvage the situation. She will not be in a mental condition to absorb what you are saying. A better way of dealing with things would be to just wait till she cools down and then gently put your point forward.
2. Respect the silence
Know that silence is an important part of healthy communication between a couple. The moment you start being comfortable in each other’s silence, it is a sign that the relationship is going strongly. You do not necessarily have to be talking all the time to have good communication. You must make your wife feel relaxed enough to remain silent if she is not in a mood to talk.
3. Observe the non-verbal gestures
An important aspect of healthy communication is to understand each other’s non-verbal gestures. It is not just enough to listen to what your wife is saying. You must make a note of that which she is not saying verbally but is implying with her non-verbal gestures. For instance, if she says she is fine but you see a dullness in her eyes or a frown on her face, then it is obvious that she is not totally fine. If you are able to catch these signs then it will do wonders for your communication.
4. Welcome the differences in opinions
Know that no two people can always have the same opinion on things. Having a confrontation is natural in a relationship. You do not always have to prove that you are right and you need not put your wife down for what she believes in. There should be enough understanding between the two that you are able to have a mature discussion about things that you do not agree upon.