7 Tips to Boost Your Income

Photo Courtesy: Gajus ©crestock.com
Who wouldn’t want a boost in one’s income? We stay in late, forego holidays and generally flatter our superiors in pursuit of that elusive pay hike. However, hard work doesn’t always pay off and the pay hike comes far too little too late. Here are some of the ways you can boost your own income.
1. Take up a part time job
To all those people ready to protest at the idea of overworking so much, here is a short reality check – how many of us really are productive for the entire number of hours we spend in the office? Not too many! In reality, typical office goers spend a lot of their day whiling time away time surfing the internet, socializing with peers and gulping down coffee. This isn’t necessarily your fault, not all workplaces offer a high paced work environment. Instead of putting in ‘face time’ at work, make a habit of leaving on time and take up a part time job in the free time you generate. There a number of freelance jobs from market research to tele-calling to data analysis up for grabs. Take your pick and get going!
2. Develop your hobby into a profession
Always loved to dance? Speak well? Write fantastic? Sing even better? Well now maybe the time to convert all of them into money earning ventures. Of course, this would require chiseling the rough edges and honing your skills better. You could become a freelance writer, a weekend dance teacher, a yoga instructor, a voice over artist and so many other money spinning avatars. The only thing you need is an understanding of which of your skill sets are marketable and then market them!
3. Invest better
It doesn’t make much sense to work so hard to earn money and then fritter it away even before you know it. The smart thing to do is make your money work for you. Invest it in assets that can give you some kind of periodic returns. Investing in a commercial property which can give you rental income is a good idea. So is investing in equities with a view of earning regular dividends. All of these things are surprisingly achievable, you only need to be a little disciplined over a period of time to build an asset that can augment your monthly income.
4. Take blogging seriously
This isn’t only for writers, though it may be easier for them. Popular blogs which attract huge number of hits generate huge revenue in ads. Where do you think the free google gets its revenues from? Advertising of course! Now you can’t make your blog as ubiquitous and liked as google but you can definitely get a decent following. Trick is blogging about something that people can use. Be it cooking, book reviews, cars, tv series – anything you feel you have a good knowledge of. You need to be regular with updating your blog, cultivating followers and placing ads ( google adsense is a great way to do it). You will be surprised by how much you can earn!