7 Tips to Formally Ask for Her Hand

Photo Courtesy: The National Guard
Asking for your girlfriend’s hand in marriage from her parents is a task that most guys have cold feet about. Boost your confidence and be a man who knows how to get what he wants. Keep these 7 tips in mind before popping the all-important question to her folks.
1. Dress formally
Make sure you put on the best formal attire you have and appear well groomed before doing the asking. You could ask your girl for inputs on your look as she would be the best person to judge how favorable her parents would be to your appearance.
2. Have a clear idea of what you are going to say
Write down all that you intend to say while asking for her hand. Say whatever you feel in an honest manner. Just jot down pointers and keep them in your head. No need to prepare a speech and rote it because, that would appear stilted and lest you forget one part, it would get embarrassing for everyone present.
3. Calm those nerves
If you feel nervous before visiting your could-be in-laws, calm yourself with probably a drink or any activity that relaxes your mind. Take your time and then do the needful when you feel you are ready.
4. Inform her parents that you would be talking something important
Don’t just casually visit them for discussing such an important matter and thence catch them off guard. Don’t ask for her hand when they are relaxed and in a casual state of mind. Inform them that you would like to have attendance with them privately for talking about an important issue so that they are also in the right frame of mind.