7 Tips to Manage Confrontation at Your Workplace

5. Do not involve your boss

Confrontation at workplace should be done between you and your co-worker. By no means involve your boss in this issue. If you involve your boss, then you might also lose your job. Without facts and evidences, you cannot hold anyone responsible for something. Confront your co-worker without any external involvement.

6. Focus on the issue

Do not deviate from the topic to remove your personal frustration. It is important to focus on the issue of confrontation. If you want your co-worker to accept something which he has done, then have patience. Focus on one particular topic if you want a solution to the issue.

7. Confrontation with the boss

If you want to confront your boss on some issue, be cautious regarding it. Talk to your boss in a polite manner. Your confrontation should have a subtle tone. Rather than blaming him, make your boss reconsider if something is not right.

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