7 Useful Tips for a Good Trekking Trip

5. Get equipped with maps

And a compass too! You need to be on track and not wander off into the wild. Trekking is only fun until one knows where they are heading, after that, it becomes a play with death. A proper paper map and a compass are a must.

6. Carry small weapons

Small weapons such as stun guns, knives, pepper sprays, water sprays, etc., should always be kept handy in case you are confronted by wild animals and reptiles and need to protect yourself.

7. Don’t get too adventurous

It’s advisable to always go trekking in a group. Stick to one another and don’t try to show your macho side by daring to go off alone on your own. It is not macho, it is foolish to risk your life. Be as adventurous as your group is, enjoy, have a good time and return safely as a group.

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