7 Ways Handle Rejection From a Girl You Like

Photo Courtesy: stuartpilbrow
Guys may find it difficult to handle rejection from a girl as it can hurt their sentiments, ego and self esteem. Here’s how you can learn to accept a refusal from your crush without feeling too depressed about it.
1. Take it as a sign of having better options
The best way to handle rejection from a girl you like is to take it as a sign that destiny has better things in store for you. You can keep your mood positive by thinking about the tremendous possibilities that may lie ahead of you. Keep reminding yourself of the proverbial saying which states that when one door closes, another opens.
2. Keep yourself occupied
You may feel very dejected if the girl who refused you was someone you really liked. If you keep thinking about the rejection all the time, you are only going to get more entrenched in sorrow and worry. The best way to distract your mind from your misery is to constantly keep yourself occupied until you naturally get over it.
3. Work on your weak areas
Try focusing on improving an aspect of your personality because of which you may have been rejected. First find out the reason of your rejection. If the girl just doesn’t like you, then there isn’t much you can do. But if she rejected you because of some of your specific personality traits, you can take it as your chance for improvement.
4. Take rejection with a pinch of salt
Do you think that your life is about to end just because a girl rejected you? Stop thinking on these lines and open your mind to the vast amount of opportunities that may be awaiting you in your future. Think about the bigger things in life such as your education, career, family, your dreams and ambitions. When you expand your perspective, you will find that one rejection is totally insignificant.