7 Ways to be a Good Elder Brother

Photo Courtesy: born1945
Siblings are your first friends who stay with you lifelong. Being an elder brother is a task of responsibility as you are looked up to by your younger brothers and sisters. Filling these big shoes is an easy task if you keep these 7 factors in mind.
1.Guide him in life
Guiding your smaller sibling is a given and lifelong role that you have to fulfill. Since you are elder and more experienced, you know the world better than them and hence getting them on the right path and preventing them from going awry in life is what will make you a respected elder brother.
2.Help him with school, college or work
Whether your smaller sibling asks for help or not, it is your duty as the elder child to aid him or her in their school, college or office work. Since you have gone through the motions before, it would be easy for you to help them out in their professional or academic problems.
3.Set a good example
Being the elder one, you ought to be a good role model and thus set good examples in your life for your sibling to look up to, respect and follow. Keep in mind that your actions greatly influence them, whether good or bad.
4.Lessen the fights
Try to avoid fights, especially on petty matters as much as possible. Don’t keep arguing or dominating to have the last word just because you are the elder one. Apologize when you are genuinely wrong as dominance will only lead to frustration creeping in your sibling.