7 Ways to be an Alpha Male

Photo Courtesy: nighthawk7
Among the many stereotypes ascribed to male behavior, the one that has stood the best of time and is arguably the most smolderingly attractive one, is that of the alpha male. The pink shirt, gelled hair, waxed chested metrosexual may be the acceptable norm nowadays, but nobody can deny that when somebody who fits the ‘alpha male’ type walks into the room, all heads turn. Here are a few tips on how to get where all men want to be.
1. Imbibe confidence
When you think of an alpha male, you automatically think of an impressive body and a swagger to go with it. But that doesn’t mean that acquiring sufficient bulk is going to get you there. What truly maketh an alpha male is the confidence. The absolute unshakeable belief in oneself. It’s a quality that shows through your personality and can elevate your normal run off the mill desk bespectacled accountant into the irresistible alpha male. So if you do aspire to be the cynosure of all eyes, you need to start at the basics. Work on what are the things you are sensitive about, what are the weak points of your personality and slowly but surely develop a self belief and self esteem. Those two things will go way beyond making you into a real man than endless hours at the gym ever will.
2. Develop an ability to laugh at oneself
Why is this important? Because this signifies courage! That’s right, to be courageous you need not be a gun slinging cowboy. Rather if you are a man enough to take a jibe and be able to laugh at yourself in the real world, you are pretty much on your way to becoming an all round alpha male!
3. Try and be a leader
This one is difficult. Leadership requires a host of qualities and doesn’t come easily to everyone. Which is why it is such a coveted quality and which is why it also automatically makes you an authentic alpha male. In fact, leadership is the cornerstone around which the entire persona of an alpha male has been built. The kind of a man who takes care of situations both at home and at work is regarded with utmost awe, admiration and respect. To become a leader, try and learn the qualities of leaders you see around you. Develop initiative, learn to put yourself out there and learn to look out for those around you. This may take some time, but it’s an endeavor worth embarking upon!
4. Become fit
Physical strength is another attribute associated with an alpha male. Therefore, you need to work on getting leaner and stronger. The way to do this is pretty straightforward – eat right and exercise. Of course, it requires willpower and constant commitment, but nobody said this was going to be easy!