7 Ways to Get Back With Your Ex Girlfriend

Photo Courtesy: rox sm
So you have just had a break up, or probably the break up happened long ago, but those feelings for your ex still remain. It’s human nature to realize the true value of things and people only after they are gone. Planning to reconcile with your ex girlfriend in hopes of a happy ending may be a tough task but it’s very much possible if you follow these tips.
1.Start off slow
If you are getting in touch with her after a period of time it would be wise on your part to start off slow. Don’t state your intentions right in the first conversation. Give some time for her also to adjust and become friends again before revealing how you still feel about her.
Whether the break up was initiated by you or her or was mutual, you should apologize for any hurt you might have caused her. This shows manners on your part and makes you more acceptable as a current boyfriend in the eyes of your ex.
3.Say how much you miss her
This of course would be said by anyone who wants to have a reconciliation. Explain to her how much you value her now, how much she means to you, how you will not repeat past mistakes and of course, how much you still love her.
4.Do something special
Just saying sorry doesn’t really work as far as women are concerned. They like someone doing special things for them to make amends. Plan a beautiful date or do something together that you both loved to do while dating. This will not only make her happy but also get her to reminisce about your time as a couple.