7 Ways to Give Up The Habit of Lying

Photo Courtesy: comedy_nose
Have you been diagnosed as a pathological or compulsive liar? Do you feel shameful every time you chance upon the saying, ‘Honesty is the best policy’? If your answers are assertive then its high time you change this harmful habit with these easy to follow tips.
1.Self help books
Buying self help books should serve as an effective technique to combat the lying disorder. These books will highly motivate you and explain to you in detail the repercussions of continuing with such a disease instead of facing it boldly and taking measures to eliminate it.
2.Seek a psychologist
For compulsive lying, you should seek the help of a clinical psychologist and gain professional advice.
3.Start telling the truth
Make a conscious effort to start speaking nothing but the truth. The human mind is stronger than we give it credit for and once you learn to control it you will also be able to control your tongue from fibbing.
4.Think before you speak
The more lies you spin, the more you will fall into its vicious web. You would be better off thinking carefully before uttering anything. Its better to speak less and be on the safer side.