7 Ways to Sleep Well

Photo Courtesy: Public Domain
A lot of people don’t get enough sleep; the amount that is required per day for a human body to function properly. While insomnia is an extreme case of sleeping disorder, a huge chunk of people are on their way to suffer from it by sleeping for very less hours, simply because they don’t know how to get more sleep. We present you some of the best ways by which you can enjoy a good night’s sleep.
1. Arise early
The best way to get more sleep as well as get more things done in a day is, arising early in the morning. The old children’s idiom, “Early to bed, early to rise, makes you healthy, wealthy and wise,” is a very true one that you ought to follow.
2. Make surroundings comfortable
You are probably not getting good wholesome sleep because you are sleeping in discomfort. Make sure your bed is clean and uncluttered. You room is at a normal temperature, there are no irritating noises, the bedding on your bed is proper, etc. If you feel there is something amiss because of which you may not be getting nice sleep, resolve it at the earliest.
3. Try power naps
If you are finding it difficult or it’s not possible for you to sleep at a stretch at night, power naps are a viable option. You could catch your 40 winks of sleep while commuting, or during office breaks instead of gossiping or listening to music. In fact power naps are known to replenish people physically as well as mentally, and make them more active than before.
4. Don’t watch TV or surf the net
Surfing the net or flipping through channels on your TV before retiring for the day is a big no-no if you aim to achieve proper sleep. Both of these mediums of entertainment and knowledge are very tempting, and always have something or the other to offer. People tend to get swayed by the addiction of social networking or a great film or a reality show, and postpone their sleep time.