7 Ways to Stay Awake When Tired

Photo Courtesy: stuartpilbrow
Sometimes staying awake becomes a necessity. In cases when you may have to finish a project in a restricted deadline or take care of a new born, tiredness will try its hand on discouraging you. Check out the following useful ways of expelling fatigue.
1. Drink water
Water is the best drink that you can opt when tired, it is readily available in any and every situation. It refreshes your mind, soul and body more effectively than anything else.
2. Take a plunge at tea and coffee!
Yes tea or coffee or better, green tea, all have a very strong fading effect on weariness. But try avoiding all sorts of energy drinks which have sugar as it is going to put you to sleep.
3. Stretch your arms and neck
Try any form of physical activity every 30 to 40 minutes in case you are in office or at home doing some strenuous sitting job, try getting fresh air if possible or regular stretching of the arms and neck.
4. Relax and take a deep breath in!
Close your eyes, cover them with your hands and try some yogic deep breathing; it is surely going to help you by supplying enough oxygen to your brain and making it more alert. Moreover, it helps to expel the extensive mesh of thoughts that lead to confusion.