7 Ways to Unfriend Her Subtly

Photo Courtesy: xXxRawrKidRawrxXx
When it comes to women, there’s no easy way getting rid of them. Unfriending her subtly is quite a task and a guy should do it quite skillfully so as to avoid the melodrama and consequent heartache. Read on to know how you can do so:
1. Remove her from your group list of multiple recipients
You might be simply forwarding jokes to your friends but she’ll cherish that message as something ‘personal’ that you wanted to convey exclusively to her. What’s worse, you might not have an idea that you sent the message to her too. So the first thing you need to do is to remove her from any group list to which you send messages or mails regularly.
2. Become a busy bee
As far as she is concerned, you should be as busy as a bee. The busier, the better! Make sure that she gets an idea that you are way too busy for anything in life.
3. Politely say ‘no’
If she invites you over, or asks you for movies or for a casual cup of coffee; just politely say no. Come up with an explanation and politely excuse yourself.
4. Avoid common friends
If you want to unfriend her, it might be a good idea to unfriend common friends too. If she realizes that you are mingling with her friends but not with her, then it won’t be so subtle at all!