8 Chivalrous Acts Women Love

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Chivalry is one of the many qualities that women often expect from men. Most women get flattered by chivalrous acts because it makes them feel delicate and feminine. Here are a few chivalrous acts that women would love to see from their men.
1. Offering a jacket when it is cold
Most women would have weak knees if a man offered them a jacket when it is bitterly cold. This implies that they don’t mind tolerating cold for the woman they love. And nothing can be more romantic for a woman that seeing that her man is willing to do anything for her.
2. Opening the door for her
This is one of the most common and traditional acts of chivalry that most women expect from men. Whether it is opening the door of a car, taxi or at a restaurant, women like it when a man shows some manners by being courteous.
3. Not letting her pay anywhere
Whether it is at a restaurant, shopping mall or concert, a chivalrous man will not let a lady pay money when he is around. When a man foots the bills everywhere, it gives the woman an impression that he puts her above money.
4. Having the guts to ask her out directly
There are many different ways that guys can ask girls out. They can do it discretely, through common friends or in front of everybody. But one chivalrous act that women still admire in men is having the guts to ask them out directly. This gives a woman an impression that her man will be honest about his feelings and won’t leave her in the lurch.