8 Compliments Girls Wish to Hear

Photo Courtesy: rgallant_photography
Any man who has had a fair interaction with the female species will know how much women appreciate attention, compliments and someone pampering them. Anytime is good enough for complimenting a woman, especially when you want to score a date with her or want to pacify her when she is mad at you. These 8 lines are sure shot ways to get a smile on her face.
1. “You have lost weight”
Whether she has lost weight or not, if you say this to any girl in an appreciative way, she is bound to feel good about herself as well as you. Women are weight conscious creatures whether they admit it or not and any remark about how slimmer they look is a compliment for them. However, don’t use this line with stick thin girls as it may backfire.
2. “You are looking stunning”
Use this line in a party, event, function or anytime when you feel she has put some extra efforts in her appearance. That women love to hear this line is a given, but don’t say it when she is dressed casually, it could come across as weird, and she may think you are just like other guys trying to have a chance at her.
3. “I like your style of dressing”
All girls like to be thought of as a stylish, chic lady who knows how to dress. Compliment her sense of style, and you will have flattered a lady successfully.
4. “You have the best___” fill in whatever you really like about her physically
Almost all women, even if they look average, have that one physical feature which makes them stand apart. Identify what that is and tell her how unique it is. It could be her laugh, her eyes, nose, side profile or even fingers.