8 Good Reasons For Leaving a Job

5.Better job opportunities

Many a time we feel we are in the right job until better opportunities come knocking. Life is all about moving forward and growing. Keeping this in mind it would be wise to jump to a job that offers you better opportunities.

6.Deteriorating work environment

A work environment conducive of doing the job properly is the most essential factor. Even if the other factors match, an office where the ambiance is not suitable to you will lead to problems. Unfriendly co-workers, rude boss, chaotic environment or a dull atmosphere with little to cheer you up can make the best of the employees leave.

7.Self discovery

It can happen to the best of us that one moment we are in the office doing our work and the next moment a realization hits us. Thoughts about the meaninglessness of what you do and about the dreams you never tried to fulfill can creep up. Once you are sure that this is not what you want to do in life, even if you are good at it, its better to call it quits.

8.Pressure and partiality

If you feel unreasonable pressure to perform, meet impossible deadlines and feel that the sky-high expectations of the boss can’t be met, then you have reason enough to move on. Also, issues like partiality to some others in giving praises and promotions can lead to rivalry which is not a sign of a good workplace.

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