8 Great Excuses to Skip Work

Photo Courtesy: star5112
Anyone who’s ever done a job has gone through those days when one just doesn’t feel like getting up from the bed and going through the 8-hour work routine that awaits them. This list should help you during those all-rest days and sneaking out of office responsibilities for a day, successfully.
1. Migraine
The golden rule of sick leaves is to specify exactly what is wrong with your body. Only then do bosses consider the genuineness of your pain; so don’t be lazy by merely stating that you are ill. No one can work effectively with a splitting migraine. In fact the work can actually go for a toss if one does it with a pounding headache. Hence, this is a sure shot excuse.
2. Bad stomach
Just like no one can possibly work with a migraine, it’s also not possible to work when you have to rush to the washroom every 5 minutes. Hence, a diarrhea or bad stomach excuse is bound to work.
3. Illness of someone close
Tell the person in charge that your kid, mother, sibling, wife, best friend or just about anyone close to you has fallen ill and needs to be taken care of. You could also add that they need to be hospitalized or get some blood tests done for which you have to be there.
4. A marriage
If you want to take a short holiday for a couple of days, the excuse of weddings is guaranteed to work. Tell them that your best friend or some family member is going to require all their loved ones for escorting them till the altar and you need to be there for them.