8 Lies that Every Man Says in a Relationship

Photo Courtesy: Katie Tegtmeyer
Maintaining a relationship is not an easy task, especially when the thinking patterns of both the sexes differ so much. Hence, men and women, both resort to saying lies here and there, once in a while. These are some of the commonest lies spoken by men while dating.
1. I was busy
When confronted by their girlfriends or wives about why their phone was unreachable, their whereabouts, why they didn’t get back to them and other such investigative questions, men tend to go weak and give this excuse. This age old excuse of being busy has worked time and again and hence men resort to it rather than explaining the whys, hows and whens.
2. I am a born athlete
Men are known to spice up their achievements with little white lies here and there. Bragging to females about themselves gives them an ego boost.
3. Oh! That was just another fling
Men like to appear manly and world wise in front of their women. Very few men who are honestly secure will admit to their partner about their limited experiences with other girls, especially physically. Most of them like to put up a show of bravado and machismo but they actually may not have had as much experience with the opposite sex as they would like their partners to believe.
4. You are looking lovely
That women love compliments by anyone, anywhere and at any time is known to all and men use this trick all the time. Whether they find her looking pretty, gorgeous, lovely, etc. they will compliment her most of the times they meet her. This is just to remain in her good books and make her feel loved.