8 Must Haves in Your Wardrobe

Photo Courtesy: rsheie54
Every man today has to look presentable and well groomed if they want to score brownie points with the fairer sex. A good attire also uplifts your mood and makes you feel as well as look more confident. These are the 7 articles of clothing you just ought to own.
1.A white shirt
A formal full sleeved plain white shirt is a given. Not only does it look smart on everyone, whether its a formal or a casual occasion, it lends a touch of sophistication to your personality. It would be best to go for a branded shirt with minimal fuss.
2.Black trousers
Classic black trousers never go out of style. They look good and appropriate for almost any occasion.
3.Navy blue denims
Same description that was for the black trousers go for a pair of deep blue jeans. They can be worn with literally anything and still look apt and smart. Teaming it with a denim jacket increases its appeal.
4.A smart blaze
A fashionable looking blazer goes a long way as far as making you look hep and stylish is concerned. Be it for functions, events or winters, blazers, especially those in dark colors, look appealing and attractive.