8 Reasons to Make Your Father Your Best Friend

Photo Courtesy: Yuri_Arcurs ©crestock.com
Those who have found a friend in their father know how valuable this bond can be. In case you have not had that opportunity yet, remember that it is never too late to make amends. We give you a number of reasons why your father can make for an excellent friend.
1. He can guide you
Since your father has more life experience than you, he can be your perfect guide. Being of the same sex, you both will have some common issues and attitudes and it will be very easy to relate to each other and help each other. You can bank on his life’s lessons and ensure that you do not make the same mistakes. His wisdom can be your guiding light through life’s troubled times.
2. He always sees the good in you
No matter how unsure you are of yourself or how low you are on morale, your father will always see the good in you. And sometimes, all you need is someone to remind you that you are better than you think. It is great to have someone by your side who always sees the purity of your soul, irrespective of how badly you or the world thinks of you.
3. You will have someone to fall back on
If you have a friend in your father, you can be sure that he will be there to stand by you in all of life’s ups and downs, and so it acts as a very good safety net. You know that you have someone to fall back on if things do not turn out the way you thought they would. It gives you some added confidence and makes you face life with your head held high.
4. He will motivate you to be your best
You may sometimes feel that your father is being very harsh on you. The fact is that your father will always want you to find the best in you. He will always push you to realize your full potential. This may seem annoying at times but always remember that he is simply trying to motivate you to excel.