8 Rules to Stay Married Happily Ever After

Photo Courtesy: Luciano Meirelles
Although there is no written textbook on the rules of staying married happily ever after, there are a few unsaid norms. If you stick to these rules, chances are that you may have a good married life. Read on to find out how you can keep your marriage sound and happy.
1. Be as truthful and transparent as you can
Honesty and truth is the foundation of any relationship. If this foundation is weak and faulty, your relationship can crumble even with the slightest strike. Stay truthful to your wife and avoid saying white lies. You will be amazed to see how easy it is to always be transparent and honest.
2. Put up with each other’s idiosyncrasies
Your wife may be putting up with a lot of your weird habits and behavioral traits. It is only natural that you should reciprocate this and put up with her idiosyncrasies, if any. Before getting annoyed or irritated by anything she does, think about all your habits that she tolerates.
3. Inspire, motivate and support each other
Just like you like it when your wife inspires you to do better, she too will feel good if you partake in her dreams and ambitions. Whether it is about her career or any other matter, support her no matter what. The more you motivate her, the more gratitude she will develop for you in her heart.
4. Don’t get into ugly fights with each other
It is normal for every couple to fight and argue. But when the fight starts getting ugly, it may be time for you to show restrain and control. Whether you are the short tempered one or your wife, you must make sure that you don’t use abusive language or actions.