8 Signs Your Girlfriend is Upset With You

Photo Courtesy: cheetah100
Girls are expressive creatures and if they don’t say something upfront, rest assured they will drop many hints to let you know what they feel. These 8 signs indicate if your better half is mad at you but isn’t telling you on your face.
1.She isn’t talking properly
This has to be the number one and most obvious clue you ought to understand. If she hasn’t been her usual self around you and replies in monosyllables, it’s clear she’s irritated with you for some reason.
2.She does not answer calls
You know she has seen your missed calls but she still hasn’t called. She picks up your calls after a couple of missed calls and acts all busy. It’s obvious she is avoiding you and you should ask her the reason for her behavior.
3.She makes excuses to not meet you
Some or the other excuse crops up when you ask her to meet up. She wants you to ask her what has hurt her about your behavior and that’s exactly what you should do to maintain your relationship.
4.She keeps nagging for silly reasons
Your angelic girlfriend has become a hen pecker and starts nagging for the smallest of things that never irked her before. This could be because of deep rooted irritation caused due to something you must have done much to her chagring.