8 Surprisingly Healthy Foods

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With research bringing out different results almost on a daily basis, you would be surprised to find out that food that was once restricted because it was unhealthy is now back on your plate because it has other healthy stuff to offer you. It is however sad that processed meat and fried fast foods can never make it to the list. But all is not lost, there is an amazing list of foods that are tasty, were banned from out plates for being unhealthy but have made a comeback. Here is a list of some very surprisingly healthy foods.
1. Hot chocolate
Dark chocolate has always been praised for his health benefits, but now research has shown that hot chocolate too comes with its own share of health benefits. Just make sure you don’t go for the instant mixes and add less sugar to your drink.
2. Anchovies
They were considered to be too salty to be good for your health. But anchovies come laden with omega 3 fatty acids which are really good for your body and skin. They are small and have little mercury or other toxins in them. And unlike other fishes, you can add them to your pizza and still make it taste good.
3. Coffee
Coffee has seen its ups and downs. Coffee drinking was blamed on increased instances in pancreatic cancer and was also blamed for insomnia, upset stomach and many other things. But its proven health benefits like an antidote for depression, and its curative powers towards diabetes and cancer make it a surprisingly healthy food.
4. Eggs
Eggs, especially egg yolk was long vilified for its high cholesterol content. But the fact remains that eggs are a powerhouse of nutrients and a great source of protein. It is tasty too and can be prepared in numerous ways. Raw eggs are a preferred form of eating for body builders.