8 Tips for a Successful Double Date

Photo Courtesy: David Boyle
Double dates spell fun. You must have seen loads of double date scenes in movies that look so picture perfect but go wrong somehow. However, this is real life wherein double dates are only supposed to be about relaxing with your partner and friends. Keep these tips in mind to avoid a double date from turning into a disaster.
1. Go with an interesting couple
Before planning a double date with a couple, think. Do you think they are fun or plain boring? Even if one of them is interesting, it makes sense doubling up with them. But if you or your partner find the said couple boring, you both are better off by yourself. Try finding another couple to hang out with.
2. Choose the apt venue
Make sure that you all don’t meet up at a place that requires patrons to be quiet or someplace where the environment is too noisy for any one to hear anything. Don’t go to loud discos, clubs, quiet formal dining places that are meant for cozy couples, etc. Instead, choose a place that lets people talk and have fun like coffee shops, gaming arcades, malls, etc.
3. Make sure you all gel well with each other
Consult your partner before fixing a double date so as to be sure that she doesn’t have any problems with the other couple. Make sure none of you grudge each other, and instead, gel well.
4. Don’t make fun of others
Making light jokes here and there about others is fine, but if you see that person getting uncomfortable or agitated, then it’s time to stop. It doesn’t reflect nicely on you to keep pulling someone’s leg in front of others.