8 Tips From Movies You Can Implement in Real Life

Photo Courtesy: Umair Mohsin
Movies play a big role in influencing our day to day lives without us even knowing. While most movies are mainly for entertainment, many of them have messages that can be implemented in our lives to make them better.
1.Dream big
Inspirational films which show the career graph of the protagonist from a small town person to a big shot such as, The Social Network and Jerry Maguire, subtly tell people to dream big. They should follow their passions and achieve what they wish to through hard work and determination.
2.Love someone who values you
From movies like Valentine’s Day, The Holiday, Leap Year and The Notebook one can learn that there is no point being with someone on the basis of looks or money because in the end what truly matters is love. Make that person your partner who values you for what you are and not for other reasons.
3.Fight for what’s right
Many of us have become so complacent in our lives that we fail to see the bigger picture. Countless revolutionary movies, most of them based on real life stories, have been made to inspire us to do something for the society, fight wrongdoing and take a stand for ourselves as well as our fellowmen and successors.
4.Set your priorities right
Life is all about setting your priorities right and only then would you have led a life well enjoyed. Like it has beautifully been shown in the movie- Click. This movie teaches us to not give so much importance to one thing in life that we forget our loved ones and repent when it’s too late.