8 Tips on Dating a Cancer Woman

Photo Courtesy: wikipedia
This article is meant for all those guys out there who have fallen for a Cancer woman and need some real dating tips to add zing to the relationship. So here are some such tips which will surely go a long way in making her drool over you.
1. Bring out the talent in her
Cancer is associated with Moon, and hence, women born under this star sign have an artistic side to them. They just need someone to encourage them in their artist pursuits and prod them to achieve their full potential. So don’t think twice before supporting her in her endeavors and bring out the talent inside her.
2. Let her take care of you
A Cancer woman is caring by nature and you should not be afraid of looking like a wimp by asking for her help. They are very caring and protective by default and will love showering their attention on you.
3. Return the favor
Don’t be a self-centered punk and use her for your own selfish pursuits. If you are seriously looking forward to carrying forward the relationship, make sure to stand up for her and make sacrifices for her. Even little selfless actions of yours will go a long way in winning her over.
4. Deal with her mood swings
Individuals belonging to this star sign have frequent mood swings and only a really understanding partner can deal with their excessive moodiness. So if you don’t have it in you to cope with her tantrums, get out while there is still time.