8 Tips on Dating a Gemini Woman

Photo Courtesy: wikipedia.org
If you are going out with a Gemini woman and are looking for some dating tips to win her over, you are in the right place. Just go through all the points and you will turn into an Adonis for her.
1. Learn to be communicative
Gemini is assigned the planet Mercury and hence women born under this star sign are very communicative and require an equally communicative boyfriend who can captivate her with his eloquent speeches.
2. Grow some neurons
You should be able to match a Gemini woman’s intelligence and if you are not that proud of your IQ, dating her doesn’t seem to be a good decision.
3. Try to be witty
A Gemini woman loves her man to be smart and make her laugh all the time, as snob is the last thing she will be looking for. So watch some episodes of ‘Comedy Central’ and cultivate some wit within you.
4. Don’t feel threatened by her suitors
Her gregarious nature and extroverted personality is surely gonna win her a lot of suitors and you should be ready to deal with it. Don’t turn into a jealous boyfriend and you will be just fine.