8 Tips On Dating a Sagittarius Woman

Photo Courtesy: Jacob Jordaens
In case you are dating a Sagittarius woman, the following tips will surely come in handy. Go through them and try to keep them in mind the next time you go out on a date with her.
1. Applaud her qualities
Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter and hence individuals who belong to this star sign are very generous and are known for being heartwarming. So appreciate your woman for these qualities of hers and try to emulate her as well, which will do you a lot of good even beyond the present relationship.
2. Be straightforward
A Sagittarius woman doesn’t like to beat around the bush and hence the best way to win her respect is by being honest with her. Call a spade a spade and she will appreciate you for that.
3. Don’t doubt her fidelity
Never cast a doubt on her fidelity as you can rest assured that she is the most trustworthy and loyal woman who will ever come your way. So nip those doubts in the bud that creep up in your mind from time to time.
4. Guide her
Sagittarius women are known to make poor decisions and hence a second head is required to ensure effective decisions. So the next time you find her in a dilemma, don’t hesitate to help her out.