8 Tips to Build Self-Confidence

Photo Courtesy: pincusvt
Leaving aside looks, attire and everything else, it is self-confidence that naturally turns heads. When you feel confident within, the entire vicinity can’t help but gravitate towards you. And if you wish to harbor this kind of a magnetic character, you need to follow some simple tips:
1. Dress your best
The clothes that you wear influence your thought processes. Ever wondered why you suddenly feel all energetic when you wear a new dress to work? Likewise, you feel dull and depressed when you wear a dress hurriedly just for the sake of it. Wear the best possible clothes each day to develop a liking for yourself.
2. Groom yourself
This follows the first tip closely as the two are interrelated. Make it a point to take care of your personal looks in terms of the clothes you wear, the accessories you carry along and other aspects such as skin care, hairstyling and so on. You will immediately start feeling good about yourself and that is the key to building self-confidence.
3. Do things at a faster pace
Do things in a swift and energetic way. If you take long draggy steps while walking or work as if you have an entire lifespan behind you, things will not turn as desired. Be vibrant and enthusiastic. To cultivate an eagerness to engage in different activities, you need to pace faster both in terms of physical activity and mental tasks.
4. Speak up
Make it a point to ask at least one question while in a meeting. Start off with one and move on gradually. People are not so bad as you assume them to be. Even if you asked a silly question, they are not going to laugh at you. And if they did, it reflects badly on them and not on you. So relax and open your mouth.