8 Tips to Have a Great Road Trip

Photo Courtesy: Stig Nygaard
When someone says road trip, the first image that comes to mind is of any road trip movie you may have seen, except the movie actors are replaced by you and your gang of buddies. A road trip is always a fun task when you have the right company and places to visit. Before planning for going on one, browse through these pointers so that you have a smooth journey.
1.Pack carefully
See to it that you have packed your luggage carefully and recheck it for any missing necessities that you may have forgotten to add in. Pack your night clothes, some board games and cards to play while on the road or in the hotel, adequate money, medicines and toiletries.
2.Make sure the car is in good condition
The most important factor of a road trip is the car by which you will be traveling. Be sure that it is in perfect condition to be driven for long hours. Check for fuel from time to time and see whether the breaks and horns are working and the tires are filled with air.
3.Invite limited friends
After the car, the company is a detrimental factor in the journey which can make or break your road trip. Invite limited pals, enough to fit in the car comfortably. Also, call only those people whom you like and are comfortable with or else the trip can go for a toss with arguments and cold wars.
4.Be well equipped
Prepare properly for your journey by equipping yourself with a camera, mosquito repellent cream, caps, glares, first aid kit, paper maps and if possible a GPS system or a downloaded GPS app.