8 Tips to Read a Girl’s Body Language

Photo Courtesy: Cherrysweetdeal
The reason why some guys end up with so many girls, and some with none to their credit is because, the former ones know how to interpret the unsaid things communicated by women. Yes other factors also count, but deciphering from the start itself whether the lady in question is attracted to you or not is an important factor to consider while approaching her.
1. She keeps adjusting her hair
Does she keep fiddling with her hair, twirling it, fixing it in place almost every alternate minute? If yes, then she surely is interested in you. Girls do this to hide their nervousness.
2. She keeps adjusting her dress
Well there is really no girl who is not conscious about her body and appearance. If she keeps tugging and adjusting her outfit, it means she wants to present herself to you in the best looking way possible.
3. She is making eye contact deliberately
This is a sure shot sign of her interest in you. In fact this should be the first sign you should look out for. If you catch her looking your way more than a couple of times, then it’s obvious that she is waiting for you to make the first move.
4. Her lips are fidgety
When you catch her playing with her lips, licking them, gulping, biting them or touching them, then she is definitely turned on by you.