8 Tips to Save Money

Photo Courtesy: Polycart
The recession of 2009 affected everyone around the world and made people more money conscious than ever. Savings are a big deal, after all, we work so hard for the money we earn. There are numerous methods you can implement to save up on dough for a rainy day and other luxuries like say treating your girlfriend to a classy dinner or splurging on high end gadgets.
1. Have patience
Don’t jump to get your hands on the newest gadget that enters the market. Laptop, tablet and mobile phone companies have a habit of making minor changes in the previous models and selling them as new models. Don’t get carried away by the hype and wait for a model that really has a number of different features instead of buying new versions every six months or so.
2. Search and research
Search for where you can get the best deals and discounts on products. Do your clothes shopping during the festive sale season and go online for shopping as many things are cheaper online than in real stores.
3. Don’t get influenced by consumerism and media tactics
Since the advent of the age of multinational corporations, consumerism and commercialization are the new mantras for selling products. The overdose of ads and promotional blitzkrieg of products by the media makes us believe that we need to have all of those things which we actually don’t need. Thus people end up overspending. Keep your priorities in mind and buy only those things that are absolutely essential.
4. Make things yourself instead of buying them
There are so many things that you can make yourself at home in a simple way by recycling old products instead of buying new stuff. For example, small plants can be grown in old cans, a ladder can be hung horizontally and used as a clothes drying rack.