8 Top Relationship Killers

Photo Courtesy: EliJerma
Relationships are fragile, and need to be treated with utmost care. There are a variety of reasons why they tend to break and dissolve, sometimes only one major reason is enough.
1. Lack of communication
When 2 people who once loved each other become strangers, communicating only for necessary things, they might as well break up. Communication breakdown mostly happens during the last stages of a relationship, when there is hardly any love left.
2. Taking the other for granted
Couples get so comfortable with each other in the long run that they start taking each other for granted. The goodness, care and love exhibited by the other person is taken as a given and becomes less valued. This habitual behavior spells doom for relationships.
3. Not able to get over someone
When people still hold a candle for their former flames, it shows in the relationship they are currently in. The other person has to deal with a third person in their relationship and no one likes that. People should only start dating someone when they have properly moved on after their last heartbreak.
4. Busyness
A common problem among working professionals of today; amount of time devoted to each other tends to lead to break ups. Being so busy and preoccupied with work, leaving you with no time for each other spells doom. For such a relationship to sustain, either one partner has to be free or both of them have to have a lot of determination and patience.