8 Top Relationship Killers

5. Abusing, emotionally or physically

More than physical, emotional abuse takes place in relationships, and many a time couples don’t even know when it happens. Either of the partners could be dominating and putting the other down all the time, in private or in front of others. It scars the other person mentally and once their tolerance level is crossed, the relationship goes down the drain.

6. Smothering behavior

Possessiveness and lack of space are really irritating qualities that no one likes. While taking someone for granted and not giving them time are major issues, the extreme opposite of obsessing for someone by breathing down their neck every second is undesirable.

7. Change of priorities

Many a time, as people grow older their priorities in life change. They may have started an affair with some goals in mind but over the course of time their aims may change. Shifting base, choosing another career and making huge life decisions like having a child or getting married, are top reasons for couples to go kaput.

8. Cheating

While a few relationships tide over the issue of cheating, treating it as a one-time thing, most of them break after one of the 2 is found to be unfaithful. Loss of trust is a big factor that drives couples to a split.

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