8 Ways Anxiety can Affect You at the Workplace

Photo Courtesy: hobvias sudoneighm
Anxiety can be your worst enemy when it comes to job performance at your work place. Sometimes you push yourself a little over the edge to produce quality result and tax yourself in the process. Here are 8 ways in which anxiety can affect you at the work place.
1. It affects tardiness in reporting to your work place
Sometimes you feel so anxious and stressed out that you end up reporting late for work on a more regular basis.
2. You spend sleepless nights hence end up sleeping during commute
Since you are not able to manage your time effectively, you end up dragging your work load home and hence get more stressed. You end up sleeping during the entire commute and feel sleep deprived.
3. You feel tired and fatigued during work
You feel extremely exhausted while working and find it very difficult to concentrate on task at hand. You pace around to refill your caffeine content.
4. You build a negative self-image
Since you are not able to carry your task successfully, you tend to think negative thoughts. You may also feel that you’re not good enough at what you do which will affect your performance and work output.