8 Ways to Appear More Confident

Photo Courtesy: pressmaster ©crestock.com
There is a difference between being naturally confident, gradually developing confidence and looking confident from outside. Here are a few tips you should follow to appear more confident.
1. Dress crisply
You must change the way you dress if you want people to think that you are a confident person. Your appearance is the basis on which others will judge you and create a first impression. Dress to impress and let your clothes do the talking. You will win half the battle of appearing confident if you dress impeccably according to the situation.
2. Have a good throw of voice
Many people make the mistake of talking too loudly to appear confident. This can actually look fake. Have a good throw of voice to appear confident to other people. People should not be straining their ears to listen to what you are mumbling away.
3. Don’t stammer or say unnecessary things
A common sign of confident people is that they only use only required words while conversing. They don’t keep yapping unnecessarily. Another important element of confident people is that they don’t stammer, stutter or show hesitance when they are conversing. If you are not sure about saying something, maintain silence but don’t compromise your reputation by uttering irrelevant things.
4. Take reasonably long reflective pauses while talking
You may have noticed that confident people talk slowly and they take reasonably long pauses while talking. This makes people think that they are choosing their words carefully and they are constantly reflecting upon the ongoing conversation.