8 Ways to Be a Better Person

Photo Courtesy: ecastro
Life is all about making yourself a better person than you were yesterday. It’s a journey through which one should emerge as a good human being as it’s a compliment that is hard to earn and rare to find.
1. Do one good deed a day
As children we were told by our parents to do one good deed a day. Implement this in your day to day life now as an adult and feel good about making others feel good.
2. Take anger management classes
If you are the hotheaded kind who finds it difficult to maintain his calm, then you ought to enroll for anger management classes. A lot of people are very good at heart but due to this weakness of anger, they tend to come across as unapproachable persons and hence a remedial class of anger management should do the trick for them.
3. Quit those vices
If you are hooked onto vices such as drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, rash driving, etc, it’s time to quit them and become better. All of these vices provide temporary happiness and satisfaction and only hold people down in life.
4. Imbibe the good qualities of those around you
Observe others around you and instead of nit picking their negative qualities, imbibe their good qualities. See them in a positive light so that you are a sum of the best of everyone around you.