8 Ways to Become a More Likeable Person

Photo Courtesy: CarbonNYC
Everyone wishes to be popular, but few know how. Since you are reading this article, we assume that you are not as popular as you would like to be and wish to be more liked by people around you. These 8 pointers could help you out.
1. Show good manners
Exhibit good manners such as holding doors open for ladies, pulling their chair behind for them to sit, helping old people cross the road, sharing your food with others, etc.
2. Use golden words
For you to be popular, it’s imperative that you use the golden words as and when required. Usage of pardon me, please, thank you, excuse me and sorry show good breeding.
3. Use humor
Everyone likes good-humored souls who add the necessary spice and happiness in life. Learn to find humor in situations and get witty. Don’t be a serious bore; people will always favor the one with a good sense of humor.
4. Help out others
Helpfulness is a much loved virtue but present in very few. Help people as and when you can. It could be as easy as taking others’ dishes to the sink or opening the door for someone. It leaves a good impression on people’s mind about you.