8 Ways to Earn Respect From Your Woman

Photo Courtesy: lighternorth
If you have felt belittled or underestimated by your woman before, she may not really respect you. Find out how you can earn your woman’s respect with these simple tips.
1. Define your masculinity clearly
The clothes you wear, the firmness of your handshake, your chivalry and your overall behavior, all these elements are critical in defining your personality and more importantly your masculinity. All women may not expect their boyfriends to be macho and tough, but they would like them to act like real men.
2. Make her feel pampered
You can make yourself look strong, dependent and reliable if you comfort your lady as much as possible. Whether it is picking her up from home and not making her walk, massaging her feet or showering her with small gifts on odd days, your woman is likely to gain a lot of respect by seeing you put effort in pleasing her.
3. Be a decision maker
Show your girlfriend some spine by taking prompt and strong decisions in complex situations and in daily life. If you are doubtful about your decisions, don’t always open up your vulnerabilities in front of her. It may give her an impression that you don’t have the guts to face the repercussions.
4. Admit your mistakes and bounce back higher
You don’t have to be made of nails and bolts to get your woman to respect you. In fact, your woman will respect you more if you leave your ego aside to accept a mistake, learn from a failure or apologize. It will show your woman that you are not mindlessly haughty and you know when to bow down.