8 Ways to Keep Your Girlfriend Happy

Photo Courtesy: Angelo González
A good boyfriend is not the one who gives his girlfriend attention only on the important days like birthdays, anniversaries and Valentine’s day. He is the one who keeps her in a state of happiness and contentment at all times. Real men don’t let a woman cry and the best ways to keep her happy are some that are listed below.
1. Give her ample time
Giving time to your better half is important for the relationship to survive. If you don’t give her enough time, she may feel neglected, frustrated and eventually get bored of dating you.
2. Show her your love
Only saying ‘I love you’ will not do much. Women need to be reassured about your sureness on those words and hence, you ought to show that you mean it. Drop her home, call or message her from time to time, gift her things she likes or take her out to romantic dates.
3. Surprise her every once in a while
A surprise here and there makes life more interesting. Most girls love being pleasantly surprised, so to maintain that smile on her face you can plan one every month or so.
4. Listen to her
That women love to talk is a universally known fact. But for so much talking someone has to do the listening too, and that’s what good boyfriends do. Women crave for someone to listen to their views and ideas on almost everything under the sun and if you volunteer to do so then it is sure to make your lady love gleeful.
5. Help her
As much as women claim to be independent, they do need help from time to time. Be it financially or finding jobs or looking after the kids and household. You should be ready to help her out as and when needed. She will surely appreciate it, and your helpful gestures would add a smile on her face.