8 Ways to Maintain a Long Distance Relationship With Your Girlfriend

Photo Courtesy: Adrian Serghie
Popularly known as LDR, a long distance relationship is always predicted to be doomed. Although it is a task to keep the romance going, there have been many instances where both the partners have worked on maintaining it successfully. Those who are going to embark on an LDR or are already in one can have a look at these tips to maintain it.
Skype is the latest and hippest way for couples far apart to keep in touch. It cant get more real and closer than video chatting face to face in real time. Be sure to video chat as often as once a day.
2.Write letters
As much as this millennium is hailed as the Internet age, the practice of writing letters never loses its old world charm. There is something very appealing about a love letter written in the sender’s handwriting that brings out the romantic side in most people. Go ahead and pen your thoughts to her.
3.Bond online
Tech savvy couples can bond online through emails, Facebook, Twitter and other such networking sites. They can have a little gaming fun too by playing two player games online and sharing pictures frequently.
4.Visit as many times as possible
Wherever your girlfriend is living, try to visit her as often as possible. Encourage her to do so too. Don’t prolong excuses of being busy with work or studies as priorities can always be set and job schedules worked out to fit in time enough to meet your special girl.