8 Ways to Stay Awake

Photo Courtesy: www.guigo.eu
Do you have exams or an important office presentation coming up, and are finding it difficult to keep yourself awake for more hours? Our list should be of help to you as it suggests 8 techniques to keep your eyes from shutting, and keep you wide awake.
1. Eat an apple
Apples are known to be more effective than coffee to help people stay awake. Ditch the coffee and bite into a juicy healthy apple or better still, consume both and feel ready to take on the night.
2. Pump up the music
Listen to your favorite tracks and do a little jig on them. This will immediately refresh your mood and state of mind. If you prefer hard rock, head bang to those numbers to shake yourself out of your sleepy state. Use headphones so as to not awaken the others in your house.
3. Take a short nap
If you are very drowsy, you could try taking a short nap for a couple of hours or so. Power naps refresh people and replenish their energy.
4. Talk to someone
Thanks to the advent of social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, chat messengers and mobile messaging platforms, there is no dearth of people in our lives. Log in to any of these applications and websites, find out who’s online and strike a conversation.