9 Cool Hairstyles to Try

Photo Courtesy: Yuliya Libkina
Hairstyling is certainly not a women-only domain and men need to experiment with their tresses from time to time as well. Variety is after all, the spice of life, so why include variety in everything but not your hairstyle? Check out these super smart looking hairdos and get one today.
1. Afro
An afro is possible only if you have a head full of thick, dense and curly hair. It looks hip and if you are game for maintaining it, then nothing like it.
2. Spikes
Although this is a common hairstyle, it is an all time favorite, not only among guys but also girls. They are also the safest hairstyle for the timid guys to try out and bring out your stylish self.
3. The Bieber hair
Meant for those with chocolate boy good looks, everyone already knows the Bieber hairstyle, popularized by pop singer Justin Bieber. For this look, you need to have a crop of full, thick hair and then you are all set to charm the girls.
4. Long side sweep
A new trend, popularized by the famous boy band One Direction, has created a stir in the hairstyling world. You can look as cool as them by side sweeping your hair to one side of the head so that the particular side has more hair than the other. Guys who wish to stand out can go for this look.
5. Crew cut
The crew cut which is a mandatory thing in military services can be tried by men who look rough and tough. This look will suit manly men, not those who have a boyish face.