9 Interesting Things You Didn’t Know About Daniel Radcliffe

Photo Courtesy: Dave Catchpole
The youth sensation Daniel Radcliffe does not need an introduction. Daniel Radcliffe, one of the most popular and loved actors of Hollywood earned all his fame through the famous Harry Potter film series. He started this when he was just 11 years old, and has successfully carried it off till the last movie of the Harry Potter series. Thanks to his immense popularity among kids and youth, all his fans are eager to know everything about him. Here are some interesting things that you may not know about your favorite star, Daniel Radcliffe.
1. Daniel’s parents refused to let him act
When the producer David Heyman, chose Daniel after seeing him act in a play, his parents were reluctant to allow him to act in films. Reason being, they wanted him to have a normal childhood. But it was Heyman who convinced Radcliffe’s parents to let him cast Daniel in the movie, as he was just perfect for the role. After a lot of contemplation they agreed, and today, they do not regret their decision at all.
2. Victim of bullying
Due to his role of a bespectacled wizard boy, who is coy and shy, Daniel became a subject of bullying in his school. Apparently, his classmates found him “uncool” for the portrayal of such a character. But with the success of the films, it was he who had the last laugh. He became a phenomenal star!
3. Daniel had a crush on co-star Emma Watson!
Yes, this is absolutely true! Daniel has accepted in an interview that he was attracted to his co-star Emma Watson, who played Hermione, one of the important characters in the film. He confesses that he had a small crush on her! Though later, their camaraderie turned out to be like that of a brother and sister.
4. Music is his first love
It is not films, but music that is Daniel’s first love! He loves to listen to music when he is not working. He also learns to play the bass guitar, and it’s a favorite hobby to play it when he is not doing anything. Besides, he also loves writing and reading plays and books. He has written a few short stories and poems under the pen name ‘Jacob Gershon’.
5. Complete workaholic!
During the filming of the whole Harry Potter series, Daniel was considered to be the most workaholic actor, as he used to religiously be present at the shoots. In the entire seven years of filming all the parts of the movie, Daniel took only 2 days’ leave, that too because he had gastric flu rendering him unable to work.