9 Little Things Every Father Must Give His Child

Photo Courtesy: Mike Baird
Whether it is a girl or a boy, every father should consider certain things as important aspects of his duty towards his child. Here are 9 little things that every father must give his child.
1. A bicycle
Every child needs to buy his child his first bicycle, help him or her wear the helmet and ride the bicycle with his guidance. Monitor his skills in learning to ride till the child has perfected it. It’s something that fathers can do best.
2. A piggy bank
A father should gift his child a small piggy bank and impart the valuable lesson of saving from pocket money. This gift will teach the child the value of hard earned money.
3. A role model
All things that fathers give need not be merely tangible or materialistic in nature. A father should be a good role model in displaying a healthy marriage and fulfill their rights and duties of a good citizen.
4. Enrollment to a hobby class
Fathers should save enough to help their children identify their potential, tap their interests and fulfill their personal goals and ambitions. This will foster their talent and help them grow into remarkable individuals.
5. Camping and fishing kit
Every father should buy his child a camping and fishing kit so that they can spend quality time on weekend with their children where he can cook with them, play scrabble and have a heart to heart talk.