9 Qualities Girls Find Unattractive In Men

Photo Courtesy: Augapfel
Girls are picky and judgmental when it comes to men. They find meaning in details and thus when you meet her for the first time, it’s like a test that you pass or you don’t, depending on how you come across to her. If you wish to pass the first impression test and gain a second chance at meeting girls, you need to see to it that you aren’t displaying any of these qualities.
1. Blabbering too much
In a relationship with anyone, girls like to do more of the talking. If you find yourself blabbering too much while the girl is keeping a tolerant expression on her face, it’s time to zip your mouth and let her have a say.
2. Being too attached to friends and family
Mama’s boys have never been a favorite with girls, nor have been the guy’s set of friends. Mentioning them and singing their praises in front of a girl you hardly know is not going to impress her.
3. Boasting
Women like mature men who let their work speak for themselves. They want to keep a distance from guys who have nothing much to say except how good they are in almost everything ever.
4. Bragging about experience with girls
This is a totally fatal mistake which if committed will put you on the dumping list of any self respecting woman. A woman is very much capable of knowing what kind of guy you are merely by looking at your personality and even if you have been with many girls or no girl at all, she doesn’t want that information unless she asks for it.
5. Lack of ambition
Lazy guys who have no clue what they are doing and what they are going to do in life are an instant put off for women.