9 Reasons Why Giving Up Smoking is the Best Thing to Do

Photo Courtesy: PublicDomainPictures
There is no charm in smoking. Smoking does give you a high, but sadly that is all there is to it. If you are not ignorant, you already know the hundreds of disadvantages the habit of smoking has. If not for yourself, at least for your loved ones, you should give up smoking because the smoke that you exhale also harms those living nearby, especially small children. Besides, it also takes away from their lives faster and earlier. Listed below are 9 major reasons why giving up smoking is the best thing to do, literally.
1. It blocks your mind
Smoking clogs your mind. It affects your cognitive ability, memory, thinking and what not! Therefore, if you want to have a clear mind, give up smoking.
2. It encourages infections
Smoking damages the protective membranes of your respiratory system thus making it more susceptible to infections. It makes your respiratory system a breeding ground for harmful bacteria which eventually cause diseases. It even affects your immune system thus making it difficult to fight ordinary infections.
3. It can cause diabetes
People who smoke are more susceptible to be affected by diabetes than those who do not smoke. As stated earlier, smoking compromises the immune system and makes your body more prone to diseases.
4. It affects your eyes
The chances of age-related macular degeneration are much higher if you are a smoker than if you are not. Also, there are strong links between smoking and weak and dull vision. Smoking also makes way for several eye diseases.
5. It weakens your bones
Smoking also encourages early osteoporosis. Besides, smoking weakens your bones and makes them fragile, and more prone to damage. The density of your bone marrow is also affected. If you smoke, you are most likely to have weak bones that hurt.