9 Signs You Are Still a Kid at Heart

Photo Courtesy: rkramer62
Beneath the tough exterior guys have carved out for themselves, there could very well be an innocent and harmless child’s heart in the interior. And we women aren’t surprised to know that there are many gentlemen who look apathetic on the outside but are tender and gentle on the inside. Read on to see if you are still a kid at heart:
1. You enjoy the little things of life
Your guy friends may be out clubbing or they may be screwed in a riot of one night stands and failed relationships. But, you as a person, enjoy the delicious home cooked food that your wife made at lunch, the new apparel that you sported at work today or a nice evening with close friends.
2. You trust people without any pangs of doubt
Remember the childhood days, when your grandmother would tell you to not trust strangers. Even as an adult, you never seem to think that others can be evil and so you trust them and have blind faith in them. You’re lucky if it has not backfired up till now.
3. You still consult your parents in every day activities
As a child, grandpa’s word was the last word. If the same holds true in the present day, then you are still a childish kiddo at heart.
4. Your girlfriend finds you cute
Girls can’t help but notice a guy who is innocent at heart. Though a tough demeanor may look sexy, the moment when guys flash their innocence, it can be a girl’s magical moment. This is because they find the sight absolutely cute and adorable.
5. ‘Tough on the outside and soft on the inside’ that sums you up
You often find your seniors, your colleagues and your wife telling you that you are a rugged person just on the face, but the real you is very understanding and kind.